Hungarian Music Council

For the development of the Hungarian music culture and the protection of musical values

About Us

The Hungarian Music Council is a non-profit organization with national scope, an association of music professional associations. Its aim is to promote the development of Hungarian music culture by social means, to protect musical values ​​and to promote their widest possible dissemination, to develop the social base of music and to strengthen the international position of Hungarian music culture. The Council was formed on December 5, 1990 by twenty music organizations, and currently has nearly half a hundred social organizations.

The Hungarian Music Council

– unites the activities of professionally, genre- or regionally separated groups of the music society, helps their domestic and international work

– participates in the elaboration and opinion of laws, regulations and development plans concerning the music life, assists in the decision-making of the state administration of culture and education

– cooperates with other, domestic and foreign music and art organizations and institutions

– represents himself in professional decision-making or advisory bodies, nominates musicians for state awards

– takes a public position on important issues concerning music culture, represents and represents the interests of the music society

The Hungarian Music Council is an internationally associated non-governmental music partner organization of UNESCO, the International Music Council (link:, and its European organization, the European Music Council (link: represents the interests of Hungarian music culture and mediates the recommendations of international organizations. He is also a member of the Hungarian Music Council, the International Society for Music Education (



Board of Directors

David Zsoldos – President
Máté Hollós – Vice President
György Lendvai
Gábor Móczár
Emőke Solymosi-Tari
Judit Váradi
Béla Zsoldos

Audit Committee

Csaba Ember (chairman)

Gábor Fenyő

István Berán

Executive Secretary

Eszter Gyurcsán

Our members

AIBM Hungarian National Group (International Association of Music Libraries)
President Julianna Gócza
1014 Budapest, Táncsics u. 7.

Society of Creative Musicians
President Attila Gallai
1111 Budapest, Karinthy Frigyes út 22.

BonBon Matiné
Győző Lukácsházi artistic director
1125 Budapest, Zalai út 6 / b

Borsod Music Society
President Árpád Solymosi
3525 Miskolc, Kossuth u. 4.

Budapest Music Center
Director László Gőz
1093 Budapest, Mátyás u. 8.

Budapest Festival Orchestra
Iván Fischer music director
1033 Budapest, Polgár u. 8-10. B.ép.

EAR Association
President Miklós Sugár
1125 Budapest, Zsolna u. 37.

Győr Music Council
Géza Füke
c / o Győr Philharmonic Orchestra 9021 Győr, Aradi martyrs’ way 16.

Sound Guard Association

Honvéd Men’s Choir
Kálmán Strausz faculty director, Dr. Gábor Bolvári-Takács, managing director. ig.
1087 Budapest, Kerepesi út 29 / b

Jeunesses Musicales Hungary Association
President Dávid Zsoldos
1118 Budapest, Citadella u. 7.

László Lajtha Foundation
President János Szköri
1011 Budapest, Corvin tér 8.


Liszt Ferenc Society
President Csaba Király, Secretary General Judit Rozsnyay
1064 Budapest, Vörösmarty u. 35.

MANK Pop Music Office
2000 Szentendre, Bogdányi utca 51.

National Association of Hungarian Artists, Department of Music
President László Király
1055 Budapest, Falk Miksa u. 30.

Hungarian Church Music Society
Péter Balogh President Piusz
1064 Budapest, Vörösmarty u. 35.

Association of Hungarian Sound Recording Publishers
President László Szűts
1113 Budapest, Harcos tér 5 ..

Hungarian Guild of Musical Instruments
President Béla Szerényi
1039 Budapest, Barátpatak u. 6 / b

Association of Hungarian Concert Organizers and Art Agencies
President Péter Ács
1061 Budapest, Paulay Ede u. 41.

Hungarian Haydn Society
President János Malina
9431 Fertőd-Eszterháza, Eszterházy Castle

Hungarian Handel Society
President Zoltán Göllesz
1146 Budapest, Ajtósi Dürer sor 39.

Hungarian State Opera House
Ókovács New Year’s Director General
1062 Budapest, Andrássy út 22.

Hungarian Music Foundation
András Kertész, co-chair and director
1075 Budapest, Madách Imre út 14.

Hungarian Jazz Association
President Balázs Bágyi, officer János Gonda. President
1136 Budapest, Hollán Ernő u. 7.

Association of Hungarian Choirs and Bands
President Zsuzsánna Mindszenty, managing director Ágnes Vadász
1011 Budapest, Szilágyi Dezső tér 6.

Hungarian Association of Light Composers and Lyricists
President Zsolt Bíró
1012 Budapest, Pálya u. 4-6.

Association of Hungarian Librarians Organization of Music Librarians
President Katalin Bándoli
C / o LFZE Research Library, 1064 Budapest, Vörösmarty u. 35.

Association of Hungarian Art Festivals
President Miklós Turjányi
1074 Budapest, Rottenbiller u. 16-22.

National Association of Hungarian Authors and Singers
President István Tóth Nógrádi
1033 Budapest, Vörösvári út 101.

Association of Hungarian Symphony Orchestras
President Géza Kovács, Secretary General Péter Popa
1087 Budapest, Kerepesi út 29 / b.

Hungarian Society of Music Performers
President Miklós Szenthelyi, co-chair Adrienne Csengery
1068 Budapest, Városligeti fasor 38.

Association of Hungarian Music Schools and Art Schools
President Csaba Ember
1064 Budapest, Vörösmarty u. 65.

Association of Hungarian Music Publishers
President Antal Boronkay
1132 Budapest, Victor Hugo u. 11-15.

Trade Union of Hungarian Musicians and Dancers
Secretary General László Gyimesi, President Sándor Sólyom Nagy
1033 Budapest, Vörösvári út 101.

Hungarian Society of Musicology and Music Criticism
President Balázs Mikusi
1064 Budapest, Vörösmarty u. 35.

MUOSZ Music Department
Péter Aradi
1064 Budapest, Vörösmarty u. 47 / a

Association of Art Vocational Schools
Szucs Tibor President, Vice Benko Szabolcs music
1097 Budapest, Török Pál u. 1.

Romanian Music Society of Romania
President Attila Demény
3400 Cluj-Napoca, str. Brasov 36.

Óbuda Society
Mária Harsányi director
1036 Budapest, Kiskorona u. 7.

Pro Musica Foundation
Secretary Maria Feuer
1071 Budapest, Rottenbiller u. 47.

Dance House Association
President Sándor Tímár, representative István Berán
1255 Budapest, Pf. 153. I. Budapest, Szilágyi Dezső tér 6.

István Vántus Society
President Máté Hollós
6726 Szeged, Temesvári krt. 42.

Victor Máté executive secretary
1112 Budapest, Dayka Gábor u. 87.

Society of Music Teachers
Dr. Ruszinkóné Czermann President Cecilia
1033 Budapest, Vörösvári út 101.

Individual members

Adrienne Csengery

Ferenc Sebő

László Somfai

Zsófia Zimányi


1012 Budapest, Pálya u. 4-6. I. em.

Eszter Gyurcsán – + 36-30-297-5543
